
Did Trump spill the beans to the Russians?

National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster, seen in his Army days, says President Donald J. Trump did not spill the beans to the Russians. Photograph courtesy U.S. Army Public Affairs

National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster, seen in his Army days, says President Donald J. Trump did not spill the beans to the Russians. Photograph courtesy U.S. Army Public Affairs

Well, Russkiegate just exploded.

WaPo broke the story confirmed by The Times – that’s the The Washington Post and The New York Times, alias the enemies of the people – that President Donald J. Trump shared super-secret information regarding the Islamic state during a recent meeting with the Russians (you know, the one that took place after he fired FBI Director James Comey), thereby potentially endangering the source.

Trumpet reminds me of the used car salesman – apologies to used car salesmen – who’s trying to sell you the Chevy that was driven to the levy but the levy was dry and instead winds up telling you all about his wife’s sexual dysfunction. He’s the kind of person who opens his mouth and you think, “OK, this is way inappropriate and too much personal information.”

The White House, eternally in damage control mode, immediately trotted out National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster to deny everything. McMaster, along with Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis, is one of the few grownups in the room, collecting the toys after naptime and before juice box hour. You want to believe him. But we’ve been here before, usually with Vice President Mike Pence. Team Trump says one thing is true. But the prez’s behavior suggests another.

Look, the president can declassify anything he wants. But whatever happened to playing your cards close to your vest, particularly to protect others?

The president demands loyalty, but he doesn’t give it. You can only imagine the horror show that his first trip overseas is going to be.