
Robin Williams, dead in apparent suicide

Robin Williams at the Australian premiere of “Happy Feet Two”  in 2011.  Photograph by Eva Rinaldi

Robin Williams at the Australian premiere of “Happy Feet Two”  in 2011.  Photograph by Eva Rinaldi

Today brought the shocking news of Oscar-winning actor and comedian Robin Williams’ death at 63 from asphyxia in an apparent suicide.

Suicide always begs the question, Why? Why would someone who had so much end it all? It’s the theme of a very good, underrated early Keanu Reeves movie, “Permanent Record,” about a golden student who takes his own life and the friends who are left to wonder, Well if that can happen to someone so together, what about the rest of us?

Except that suicides don’t think of themselves as being very together people. As I said in my novel “Water Music,” many suicides don’t want to die. They want not to live, which is a very different thing.

To his family, friends and fans, my thoughts and prayers.

To Mr. Williams, may you rest now in peace.